Romain Maes repairs his tire during the Tour de France (1935)
Louis Gerardin and Jean Caugant a velodrome du parc des princes. French Speed Championship. At times before tv there have been huge crowds a sports events. Match l’Intran 1932-05-17
Georges Speicher fighting in the rain. Match l’Intran 1932-05-17
Leducq in front of Julien Vervaecke, Auguste Van Tricht, Roger
Bisseron, Kean Aerts & Jean Bidot at the 1932 Paris-Belfort race.
Match l’Intran 1932-06-28
Andre Leducq, Jean Bidot and Georges Speicher. Match l’Intran 1932-08-16 Fighting in the mountains on this streets – respect.
the feeding station in Liseux, Francis Pelissier services Jean Noret,
during the 1934 Paris-Caen race. Helpers and supporters like you know it from today’s pictures. Do people change or develop? Match l’Intran 1934-04-17
Georges Speicher. Match l’Intran 1933-08-29
The start of the 3rd stage of the Tour de l’Ouest, in Mayenne. Match l’Intran 1933-08-29
At Livarot, Jean Noret in front of
Rene Debenne (hidden behind Noret), Pierre Magne & Amedee Fournier,
1934 Paris-Caen race. Match l’Intran 1934-04-17
I love these funny googles…