D… Dijon
Gare de Dijon, Dijon, France
by Cart1Resuming the alphabet of Deco, here we are in the D’s again.
Kategorie: Unzugeordnet
Georges Barbier : Falbalas et Fanfreluches, 1925
Barbier: one of the Art Déco gods… Further information < http://www.luxurytraveler.com/The_birth_of_art_deco.html >
Costumes de plage par Schiaparelli , Deauville, juillet 1929. Photo par les frères Seeberger.
Cadillac, 1931 on Flickr.
Click image for 1136 x 1500 size.
Scanned from Taschen’s “All-American Ads of the 30s”.
Poster of Anna Pavlova in Chopiniana for the Ballets Russes. Théatre du Châtelet, Paris, 1909
Studio Manasse, Study, c1933.
… Divas and Lovers: The Erotic Art of Studio Manasse. Story by D.H. Lawrence. Essay by Monika Faber. Published by Universe Publishing 1998.
Anniversary of LZ-8 Accident: May 16, 1911
Anniversary of LZ-8 Accident: May 16, 1911
On this day in 1911 the DELAG airliner LZ-8 (Deutschland) was destroyed in an accident. Hugo Eckener was in command of an airship for the first time and LZ-8 had barely left its hangar when it was pulled away from its ground crew by a gust of wind. The
The accident which made Hugo Eckener the responsible captain he was later on the long Zeppelin journeys. Do not forget as a journalist he was against this idea of travelling the skies.